Inovacijų valdymo konspektas anglų kalba. 1. Schumpeter is considered as one of the pioneers who recognized the importance of innovation for understanding the dynamics of wealth creation. Can you briefly describe some of his main ideas? Do you consider them still relevant today? Argue why (not) and/or to what extent. 2. Briefly explain what is understood by the notion of "innovation system". What does it add to our understanding of innovation dynamics? 3. Briefly explain what is understood by the notion of "innovation system". What could be the role of universities or research institutes within such a system? 4. What is the difference between "market pull" and "technology push"? Does this distinction hold any relevance for a firm''s innovation strategy? Argue why (not)? 5. What objectives should be addressed by the innovation strategy (of a firm)? What are, according to you, the main challenges for firms (on the level of innovation strategy)? Can you point out some relevant approaches (tools, instruments, organizing principles,…) to address the challenges outlined (if any)? 6. What does the innovation strategy of a firm entails? Do you see a relationship with the overall corporate/competitive strategy of a firm or are both independent? If both are interrelated, please explain briefly why and how. Are there other contingencies to take into account when defining an appropriate innovation strategy on the level of the firm? If yes, briefly explain why. 7. Why can it be beneficial for firms to cooperate with other organizations within the framework of R&D/innovation? Discuss the major (managerial) points of attention in this respect. 8. What is meant by ‘ambidextrous’ organizational forms? What are its core characteristics? Why would one adopt such an organizational form? To what extent does this approach differ from the ideas and solutions advanced by Bower & Christensen? If you would be CEO of a Fortune 500 company – within an industry in which innovation is important in order to stay competitive – which organizational form would you adopt? Why? 9. What are the major options when designing the organizational structure in which R&D activities are embedded? Which option seems most effective? Why/Under which conditions?10. Why should one choose for a matrix structure when organizing R&D projects? What are crucial points of attention when opting for such a matrix approach? 11. What roles are needed in order for innovation (new product development) processes to be effective? Which functions are critical? Do these functions coincide with what is needed to be effective in terms of corporate venturing? If not, briefly discuss major differences. 12. Over the last decades, communication and communication patterns have been a central focus of research within the field of technology and innovation management. Why this focus on communication? What are – according to you – some of the major points of attention? (limit your answer to three). Argue briefly why. 13. In terms of organizing R&D activities of R&D project teams effectively, what are crucial relationships to be aware of (as manager)? Limit your answer to three; briefly discuss what the relationships entail; why they are important; and how one can address them.